Hello my friends, I am so excited about this VIRTUAL MUSEUM archive project which is going into its 19th year (as of 2024) This website is the SECOND time in a matter of a few months from starting that I had to build the archive from the ground up. I could see right away that first site named WORLDCHOW was quickly outgrowing itself by leaps and bounds.
An archive needs to be easy to navigate, and browse and most of all, SEARCHABILITY is of utmost importance. We now have a permanent home at this self-hosted WordPress site which I personally curate and do all the photo restorations. My husband Steve keeps the tech end running smoothly and up to date . I officially put down roots in 2006, popped the champagne, and christened her “THE CHOWTALES HISTORY ARCHIVE”
The archive focuses specifically on pre- 1950’s chow images articles and ephemera with the stories to go with them, in an easy on the eyes format. Plans to incorporate all of my findings into a beautiful “image heavy” coffee table book go hand and hand with my research for this archive.
The collection that my husband Steve and I have is extensive and the stories behind the photos as I research are mindboggling. I want to extend a big THANK YOU all the chow memorabilia collectors worldwide who have been contributing their own collections and content to the archives. (Contributions are attributed on the archived items on this site. ) Paper photos and articles eventually get tossed in the garbage or deteriorate over time so every tidbit of information I can preserve digitally guarantees it will not be lost to future generations. Your contributions are priceless and most appreciated!!!