Wow…talk about a random act of kindness!! How did this horse handler from the Budweiser team, know how dearly I have wanted to see the Clydesdales up close and personal…seriously, since I can remember I have been fascinated with these cookie cutter giant creatures!!!

Well of all things, we were going out for a brewski with one of Steves friends and workmates Bob tonight (thats the back of Bobs head above), and pulled into the Thirsty Lion Tavern which is part of a large mall complex….. and Steve points out there were 3 massive Budweiser horse trailer rigs in the parking lot. We parked and Steve went in to meet Bob while I went over to investigate the horses.

The team of 8 were being brought out one by one, braids were being put in their hair complete with ribbons, blinders attached and each walked over to it’s place to be hitched up to the team. The crowning glory was the dalmation who was lifted up by the team drivers and he took his spot on the beer cases proudly!!

Once the team was ready and the few onlookers took their photos I went to meet Steve and Bob in the outdoor eating area….KICKING MYSELF the entire way there that I didn’t have my camera….not even my iphone which was at home charging. I wanted to cry!!! Luckily Steve and Bob had their iphones and got some awesome photos for me!! Thanks boys!!!!!

The team did 4 passes around the big parking lot, stopping for about 1/2 hour each time RIGHT IN FRONT of where we were eating!! What a view…..still freaking kicking myself that I left my camera at home, but whodathunk in Tigard Oregon the Clydesdales would show up at a very out of the way tavern!!! They are in town for the Rose Festival Parade so apparently they booked a few stops along the way

The dog was in his element up on the beer wagon. The drivers fed him treats and gave him water really often and he was smiling the entire time!

The wagon was really beautiful. The entire team looked like a picture postcard to me. The stuff a little girls dreams are made of…horsies with braids in their hair!!

When we were done eating we paid our bill, said goodbye to Bob and headed out to our car, but not without one last peek at the Clydesdales who were being put in their trailer for the evening. The handlers were taking out their braids, roses and ribbons very methodically and neatly and patting the horses for a job well done. I stood looking up into one of the trailers talking to Jake…one of the giant beauties and told his handler how beautiful his horses are and in such gorgeous condition….we moved onto the next trailer to say goodnight to the other horses.

Out of the blue, the handler from the first trailer comes over to me and says “can you walk up the ramp” (I had my blind cane so he didn’t know how much I could see). I said OH YES…..and of course could hardly hold back the tears. He introduce me to the two horses in that trailer, and took Jakes ribbons out of his mane and handed to them to me. I wish I could remember the other horses name and the handlers name. I was just so taken by surprise.

The horses make such intense eye contact …it was awesome!!

I gave the horses lots of luvin and pats on the nose and they were so gentle and HUGE.

It was time for the Clydesdales to go to bed so I had to say my goodbyes and gave the handler a massive hug. I think I took him by surprise just like he did to me!!! Talk about making this lady happy. I will never forget that kind gesture and the experience with these majestic creatures!!!