Starting at 10:00 AM Pacific timezone TUESDAY , JUNE 6th 2023 Pacific timezone. Please read the entire description below to become familiar with the way the sale works

Hello everyone!! This week I will be rocking in the month of June with THE NEXT WAVE of 12 “CHOWS ROCK” necklaces in my new design created from polymer clay to look like real ocean pebbles!!! Our recent trip to the Oregon Coast for my birthday provided loads of rock-hunting inspiration and of course CRAB for me and princess Ihana!
The sale will be at this link THE BAMBOO TEAHOUSE-Sandra Miller Auctions

Each of the pendants are different in shape, color combo and pebble patterns. They are created by hand, one at a time from polymer clay which I hand-mixed and blended to mimic real stone. I know “Its not nice to Fool Mother Nature” ……but I sure had fun trying. They echo everything from granite to sandstone, to agate and petrified wood. No two are alike.
- The colors and textures and inclusions are all part of the actual clay and no paint is used. They are so incredibly light you won’t know you are wearing them . Hours of color blending, sculpting and lots of love go into every one of a kind necklace
- Each has a very long soft rolled leather necklace finished at the back with an adjustable slide that can go from as short as a choker, to as long as an opera length necklace (below the bustline) and any length inbetween! (ranging about 15-28″)
- The back of each pendant features a cute little chow “tail” impressed into the clay as well as my signature. The bead bail holding the leather cording is also hand-sculpted from the same clay as the chow to match the pendant
- An extra perk is the necklace design is very “unisex” and versatile. A real “go to piece” and perfect for gifting as well. There is a REAL PEBBLE CHARM dangling from under the Chow that came from the Oregon coast beaches. It gives a nice amount of movement and extra interest. Everyone will be asking “WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?”

- Each necklace is a SPECIAL FIXED PRICE of $125.00 which includes USA First Class postage. (sorry no international shipping on these unless you have checked with me PRIOR to the sale as International postage is very expensive)
- The first person to comment “MINE” on each upcoming listing on Tuesday gets to purchase the necklace associated with the comment. You may need to refresh the page to find the next listings. There will just be photos of the items (no video) I will send paypal invoices once the sale is over.
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- The 12 necklaces will be listed one at a time about 5 minutes apart or when the previous one is claimed….whichever comes first, starting at 10:00 AM Pacific timezone Tuesday June 6th, 2023
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- Keep your eyes peeled TUESDAY for these rare instant-gratification purchase opportunities!!!! Have fun everyone!!!
BELOW – watch for this one of a kind necklace and bracelet set auction starting AFTER the necklace sale