We are so fortunate to live only a few miles from the world class Portland Japanese Garden, and as the seasons change and the gardens morph we love to pay this beautiful space a visit as often as possible. This week, the one and only Weeping Cherry in the garden was in full bloom which is a highly anticipated event at the garden.
The weather was overcast and cold but we loved that it kept away the throngs of visitors that will be flocking to the garden this weekend by bus load. This 80 year old tree is quite the local “celebrity”.

From the Japanese Garden website “The Flat Garden features Portland Japanese Garden’s only weeping cherry – a directive from Professor Tono (Portland Japanese Garden’s Garden Designer) who felt its blooms were so dramatic that more than one would have been too much. This stunning tree is from a nearby neighborhood in Portland. Once belonging to local resident Dr. George Marumoto and his family, the weeping cherry was rescued from a street targeted for expansion. Now nearly 80 years in age and nearly fifteen feet in height, it radiates in hues of bright pink and is a bellwether of spring”

The tree is so heavy with blossoms that the branches need support as you can see in the photo above

We were so lucky to have been there during this stunning exhibit by Japanese glass artisan RUI SASAKI. The glass “sandwiches” she created had plants fused between the layers. The results from the way the plants react and burn out in the intense heat of the kiln, leaving ghostly images and bubbles are fascinating and otherworldly. A breathtaking exhibit for this former glass artist, and avery unexpected treat! Read much more about the SUBTLE INTIMACY HERE AND THERE exhibit

This is another glass installation by the artist Rui Sasaki in an open space of the garden. It looks like a mini sunshower and I would love to see it at different times of day as the sun shifts in the dappled shade of the forest.

And of course I had to pay my Foodog friends a visit. This is the female of the pair. The male has a ball under his paw. I look a wee bit wind blown but what a wonderful day this was ! We are looking forward to our next visit when the Japanese Maples begin to leaf out and show their spring color

The koi ponds were quiet this early in the season but the waterfalls were alive with motion and sound and the pagodas were looking beautiful as always.

Contrasting textures at every turn in this garden. The uneven and varied surfaces to walk on are intentional and designed to keep your eyes on the details the garden designer wants you to see. Moving slower on an uneven path focuses your attention in one place longer. Japanese garden design is fascinating and meditative. “The elements within the garden draw us deeper into the garden, such that we experience an inwards pull.”

Gorgeous closeup of the Weeping Cherry blossoms. Thanks Steve for the beautiful photo!