The most challenging part of planning an online event featuring of ONE OF A KIND artwork, is the usual fast purchasing pace we have experienced at my past Trunk Shows. LinksIn every cart system I’ve used, the same rules apply….the first person who goes through checkout with a given item ……gets the goods. Kind of like a Chow chasing a squirrel… pays to be fast and clever!!
- For this reason, my best advice ….when you have put a special treasure (s) in your cart, and you are certain you would like to purchase them, is CHECKOUT ….NOW!
- You can always return as many times as you like to shop some more, but I just want to let everyone know ahead of time that holding items in your cart for any length of time presents the risk of losing them to another shopper who beats you to the checkout line.
- To help offset any multiple checkout/shipping fees, here is my solution.
- If your COMBINED PURCHASES from one or more items (or multiple trips through the checkout on the show day) totals 95.00 USD or over, you will receive FREE PRIORITY MAIL SHIPPING in the U.S. In the event you overpay for shipping (US or Foreign), I will refund the difference to your Paypal or Amazon Payments account right away.
- Please use Coupon Code TRUNK SHOW SHIP during checkout to receive the free shipping on 95.00 and over, total purchases
- FOREIGN PURCHASES are not eligible for Free Shipping coupon however…….. I will send a special little Chow jewelry treasure as a gift, in lieu of the Shipping Discount.
Thank you in advance for understanding, and above all have fun! I’m so excited Steve is ready to put me in the kennel for a while to cool down!!
See you Tuesday at 10AM EST on Facebook