We were warned that New Years day the traffic would be too crazy as well as too many shops and sights closed to warrant hiring our driver for the day, so we chose to “taxi it” around and head for the beaches. A warm rain began to fall and we popped into a beach side cafe for Bali tea and some great people watching ….we even found a chow!!
We meandered down the coastline, dodging a few vendors with a smile and a “tomorrow” and decided when we saw the stunning Hyatt, that was the perfect splurge lunch. We had wood fired pizza, I had a mango lemongrass dacquiri and Steve an Indonesian beer. The rain let up and we continued our stroll.

Today we have a full day ahead of us with our guide going to see more craftsmanship of the area and scenery. I purchased a carved bone ring full of frogs from one carver and am going back to buy a dozen or more to offer on the site. They are simply too breathtaking to not grab them while I can. The sea turtles are phenomenal and some bear pendants too!!

You will also see another unique dog in our pix below. As we drove up to our villa we saw a man and his dog sitting up like a giant gopher on the roadside. I asked about him and he said he rescued this beautiful boy who was born with a deformed leg. The dog learned he could sit comfortably like this and watching him carefuly nestle into this position is amazing and inspiring!! Both the Chow and this boy along with Annies Sawa will all be in my upcoming book “Somebody’s Dog”
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